
Happy Feet (Widescreen Edition)


Price: $5.99
(as of Mar 12, 2025 18:34:45 UTC – Details)

13 reviews for Happy Feet (Widescreen Edition)

  1. Julie

    we laughed. we cried.
    I ate soup while watching this movie.

  2. Dylan Schultz

    This Movie Was A Much Needed Risk-Taking Venture in a Dismal Time for Kid FIlms.
    People who gave this film less than 3 stars anger me. This was one of the better children’s movies released in the past few years. It has great classic messages that are lost in a lot of kids movies these days; themes that are very important and real for kids to learn that aren’t fluffy and cute; themes such as sacrifice, danger and death. Children’s movies protect our kids too much these days.Our adult cinema has gone in the polar opposite direction. Most of it is littered with sex and violence. What we really need to learn is that moderation is key. I thought this film was perfect. Sex is a real topic – we needn’t flaunt sex around children, but we also mustn’t pretend it doesn’t exist. This movie handles sex in an appropriate way.One comment I read docked this film for appealing to multiple audiences. Hmmm. I don’t really understand why that is a bad thing. The writer also said that the film lacked focus because it had multiple plot lines (the penguin dealing with his inability to sing, and then with the lack of fish caused by humans). I’d have to disagree there too. This person mustn’t have taken any English in college. Many of the world’s greatest stories venture away from the dull, slow and steady, up hill clime to the climax, and then down until the end. This film just follows a less traditional pattern, which is completely fine and refreshing. This movie ties many themes together, and in such an intricate and smooth way, that some of them go unnoticed to the untrained eye. One such, is the spank on religion which I will talk about in the next paragraph. But before I do, I just want to point out that the transition from the first conflict (the penguin not being able to sing) led perfectly into the second (no fish/scarcity and pollution). The factor that tied the plot together was the fact that the elders in the penguin culture were the common opponent. They didn’t like that the little penguin couldn’t sing and that he was a dancer, and they fought against the little penguin when he tried to solve the fish scarcity problem. The elders are the common element. This was a really well written script, despite what some uneducated people have written in other comments here. Proof in what I say can be found in the cast. Great actors and actresses chose to do this script – that should tell you something.This film is also amazing because it tackles some, rather, modern themes eg pollution, religion, and the need for humans to become more ecologically aware. First, the pollution references are obvious. Second, this film is AMAZING because it detests the ridiculousness of religion. The movie brings to light the superstition inherent in all religion. You ever find yourself praying to God to help you through a rough time? Well, that sort of activity is just as nonsensical as penguins praying to a penguin-god to deliver fish. Also, this film underscores how religion has been the enemy of progressive thought over the ages. Those in power have used religion as a tool to control the masses. Dancing is a metaphor in this film. It represents breaking away from traditional ways when they prove to be untrue. There are many others little hacks at religion, that I feel are completely necessary for children to be exposed to. Children need to hear both sides of the argument. I am so happy that a film had the guts to take that step.Last, the film does a wonderful job, again through metaphor, of emphasizing the need for humans to take their place in the circle of life. The scene at the end, where the humans and penguins dance together represents a message: that we can all live together, in harmony, on this earth.Honorable mention comments: this film was filled with great music, great actors, and amazing animation. AND, it wasn’t filled with cheesy one liners like most children’s films these days. AND the final message: LOVE = LOVE is something we all need to pay attention to. John Lennon would be proud…

  3. Michele Montez

    always thought this movie was cute

  4. mariano cruz

    Great family movie
    Excellent and the kids loved it.

  5. shelby

    Always a classic
    Loved this movie when I was a kid and it was so precious being able to let my kids watch this.

  6. KCH

    Cute movie
    This was a cute movie but the songs are no longer “current” so a lot was lost on my second grade students. About half of the class was interested enough to watch the movie to the end (with a break in the middle). A good alternative to a holiday themed movie during the winter months.

  7. Vickie Forston

    I’m a grown woman and I love this movie!
    I watched this movie years ago when my girls were a lot younger and I fell in love. I watched it with my 8 and 9 yr old grandsons recently, afraid they would be like “grandma, really? I don’t wanna watch that”. But the opposite happened, they couldn’t wait to watch Happy Feet Two afterwards so I ended up paying to watch both movies back to back!

  8. Princetonian Amazonian

    Great Product,.. has both DVD & Blu-ray!
    My daughter loves this movie,.. We were sad to see it be removed from the streaming service that we were watching it on. The main character is a great role model, showing integrity, bravery, and determination. He’s also compassionate, open-hearted, and optimistic. He embraces being different and seeks to protect his colony even after they exiled him. The mother is happy, caring, and confident. Both parents are loving. She accepts her son’s differences from the start, but Dad struggles to accept Mumble as he is until the very end. The friend penguins are supportive and encouraging, accepting Mumble without prejudice,…. would recommend if your child is into musicals and tap dancing.

  9. Gladys Mabel Quevedo

    Una gran lección para los Humanos


    Disque bluray avec langue francaise,anglaise et espagnol, ainsi que sous-titres.

  11. Ramona R.

    Tolle Film. Unser Sohn mag ihn sehr. Rechtzeitig zugesendet, alles top

  12. クマっくま

    『ハッピー フィート』は、音楽とダンスが大好きなペンギンのミーシャが、自分らしさを見つけて成長していく物語です。素晴らしい音楽とリズミカルなダンスシーンが繰り広げられ、見ているこちらも思わず体が動いてしまいます。また、人種や外見に対する偏見や差別をテーマにしており、社会派のメッセージも込められています。ストーリーも感動的で、観客を魅了する要素がたくさん詰まっています。是非、家族や友人と一緒に鑑賞してみてください!

  13. Caillette

    Un film sympa, avec de beaux paysages, et des personnages attachants. Happy Feet, c’est en sorte l’histoire de Mumble, le petit manchot, qui chante absolument faux, mais qui a un don pour les claquettes. Poussé à l’exil par sa colonie, où seul un chant d’amour bien chanté peut permettre de fonder une famille, notre petit Mumble va devoir survivre dans le grand pays glacé. Heureusement, une colonie de manchots de petite taille vont le recueillir et lui faire vivre une vie de manchot, où chaque baignade peut être fatale. Mais un autre problème se pose : ils sont menacés de mort car les poissons se font rares, car les humains pêchent de plus en plus de poissons, et ils risquent de ne pas avoir assez pour nourrir des centaines de manchots. Mumble n’aura plus qu’une solution : convaincre les humains, surnommés “aliens” par nos amis à plumes, de ne plus pêcher de poissons chez eux.Bien sûr, ce film est fait pour les écolos, mais quand on voit la quantité industrielle de manchots qui participent au film, avec parmi eux certains qui ont un rôle bien défini mais secondaire, comme celui de Lovelace, le manchot qui sait tout, où celui de Gloria la jolie femelle manchot, l’on se dit que le studio créateur du film a du payer des milliards d’euros pour réaliser ce film qui a bien mérité un Oscar. Cela reste difficile de juger les voix des personnages, car l’on ne voit jamais pas très bien quel genre de voix correspond exactement au personnage ni quels sont les différentes personnes prêteuses de voix disponibles dans le studio Warner Bros qui a crée le film. L’on doit forcément avoir du respect pour les hommes et femmes qui ont effectué(e)s cette lourde tâche, tels que Robin Williams, Brittany Murphy, Hugh Jackman, et Nicole Kidman. Je ne saurais dire quelle voix correspond à chaque personnage car les voix sont recopiées depuis la jaquette.Tout ça pour dire que le film correspond tout à fait à mes attentes ! Un régal d’animation pour petits et grands !!!

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